Welcome to our new forum!

Generelles / General Stuff

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Willkommen / Welcome - 1 Viewing

Neulinge, stellt euch vor. / Newbies, just introduce yourselves.

Moderator: Camila

74 85 Format Versatility A bot can take man
by shiyabul
Aug 20, 2024 10:56:21 GMT 1
No New Posts Generelle Information / General information

Worum geht es im Skriptorium und was hoffen und erwarten wir von euch / What is the Skriptorium about and what are we hoping and expecting from you?

Moderator: Camila

20 20 户并确保他们对您的服务或产品感到
by riya00023
Mar 21, 2024 5:02:45 GMT 1
No New Posts Board Kram / Board Stuff

Alles, was das Board betrifft / Board-related things

Moderator: Camila

4 4 Humor is like a shield Life throws
by account_disabled
Dec 31, 2023 10:24:59 GMT 1

Administratives / Administrative Stuff

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Regeln / Rules

Das Wichtigste zuerst. Bitte lesen und unbedingt daran halten! / First things first. Please read and behave accordingly!

Moderator: Camila

1 2 Die Regeln / The Rules
by The Doomed
Jun 29, 2022 10:00:19 GMT 1
No New Posts Schreibstile / Spelling Style - 1 Viewing

Was für Stile gibt es? / Which styles can be used?

Moderator: Camila

1 1 Schreibstile / Narrative Style
by The Doomed
Jun 26, 2022 15:02:54 GMT 1

Geschichten / Stories

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No New Posts Action - 1 Viewing

Spannendes / Thrilling stuff

Moderator: Camila

1 1 Evaboot Chrome Extension
by jabom
Dec 19, 2023 10:26:37 GMT 1
No New Posts Mystery

Das Unerklärliche, Übernatürliche ... / The unexplainable, supernatural ...

Moderator: Camila

1 3 All Hallows' Eve
by Dean
Jul 2, 2022 11:29:01 GMT 1
No New Posts Fantasy

Für HdR Fans & Co. / For LotR fans and such

Moderator: Camila

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Science Fiction - 1 Viewing

Was irgendwann mal sein könnte, in naher oder ferner Zukunft / What could be in the near or far future

Moderator: Camila

3 9 Moz seo essentials certificate hubpsot
by account_disabled
Jan 11, 2024 7:00:02 GMT 1
No New Posts Mittelalter / Medieval Times - 1 Viewing

Ritter, Maid, Knappe, Burg ... / Knight, damsel, knave, castle ...

Moderator: Camila

1 3 Spürst du es? Meine Seele friert!
by Norwinn
Jun 27, 2022 12:11:43 GMT 1
No New Posts Nordisch / Nordic - 1 Viewing

Wikinger, Götter, Sagen ... / Vikings, gods, legends ...

Moderator: Camila

1 2 Freyas Saga
by Freya
Jul 10, 2022 19:13:31 GMT 1
No New Posts Romantik / Romance

Geschichten fürs Herz / Stories for the heart and mind

Moderator: Camila

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Kommentare / Comments - 1 Viewing

Kommentare zu den Geschichten bitte hier rein! / Comments on the stories here!

Moderator: Camila

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.


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No New Posts Café - 1 Viewing

Bei einer Tasse Kaffee oder Tee gemütlich plaudern / Let's have a chat over a cuppa coffee or tea

Moderator: Camila

2 12 Die Wetteraussichten
by Camila
Aug 4, 2022 20:39:52 GMT 1
No New Posts Kreatives / Creative Stuff - 1 Viewing

Wallpapers, Signaturen etc. hier rein! / Wallpapers, signatures etc., post them here!

Moderator: Camila

2 2 Important! - English guidance on how to link pictures
by Camila
Jun 29, 2022 9:17:23 GMT 1
No New Posts Bücher / Books

Stellt euer Lieblingsbuch vor / Please introduce your favorite book

Moderator: Camila

1 1 Drachenbeinthron-Saga von Tad Williams
by Camila
Jun 26, 2022 18:10:45 GMT 1
No New Posts Lieblingsfilme / Favorite Movies - 1 Viewing

Welche Filme liebt ihr? / Which movies do you love to watch?

Moderator: Camila

2 14 Disney
by Camila
Jul 12, 2022 5:55:04 GMT 1
No New Posts Lieblingsserien / Favorite TV Shows

Welche Serien verschlingt ihr? / Which TV shows do you binge-watch?

Moderator: Camila

3 9 Stranger Things
by Camila
Jul 12, 2022 6:11:14 GMT 1
No New Posts Neue Filme / New Movies

Was gibt es neues im Kino? / What's new at the flicks?

Moderator: Camila

1 3 Phantastische Tierwesen: Dumbledores Geheimnisse
by Dean
Jul 2, 2022 10:30:51 GMT 1
No New Posts Neue Serien / New TV Shows - 1 Viewing

Was es auf Netflix, Amazon & Co. neues zu streamen gibt / new to stream on Netflix, Amazon & Co.

Moderator: Camila

1 1 Man vs. Bee
by Camila
Jun 28, 2022 7:08:10 GMT 1
No New Posts Dies und Das / This and That

Verschiedenes / Miscellaneous

Moderator: Camila

1 5 The Beast Revelation
by michael
Jun 10, 2024 21:57:42 GMT 1


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